Monday, July 31, 2023

 Sandhill Crane

Clan fidelity!

The family groups migrating

Stay close together

In the great tribal
Sweep of thousands over time,
Grandeurs of landscape,

Long generations

Of finely balanced kindred

Centuries in order

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Saw-Whet  Owl

Tiny, ferocious
Fierce recluses of the woods
Scimitar talons

Cutting through flesh, bone
Dissecting modest creatures
Less emphatic lives

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Mountain  Lion

This lion has been seen
To leap impossibly high,
A deer in its mouth

And has roamed the land
Thousands of miles West to East
Ignoring boundaries

Houses, roads, power lines
Civilization's clutter -
Died in Connecticut

Carrying its own
Vast particular wildness
Through hidden pathways

Stealthy, nocturnal,
Crepuscular, glimpsed seldom .
And what of its prey?

Fleet of foot, wide-eyed
The calculus of energy
To bone and sinew

Long, low and lean
Greyhound-shaped, fiercely enhanced -
Feline of splendours

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Climbing Mouse

In the deep forest
Secretive, climbing at night
The highest branches

Burrows in tree roots
Finds its labyrinthine path
Surviving edges

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Mountain Sheep

The magnificence

Of those splendid horns belies

Quite a modest creature.   

And yet on its cliffs
It has mastered gravity
To reach specks of grass  

Monday, July 17, 2023


It's complicated!

Bioluminescence may

Signify fireflies

But other beetles

Know the same trick, to dazzle

Their mates with glory

And show the dull world

The  brilliant constellations

Of themselves, the stars.

Sunday, July 16, 2023


Evolving penguins!
Their flight a frantic scramble
Swimming a delight


Saturday, July 15, 2023

Northern Ghost Bat

Why so different?

Solitary, white, all others

Dark, clouds, colonies?

Life against the grain?

Deeply temperamental?

An individual?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

We The Primates

How many primates

From scurriers and scampers

Swingers and clingers

In  mountains and jungles

Cloud forest denizens

Wide-eyed nocturnals

Hangers-on barely

The counts dwindling scarily

The numerable endangered

Even our order

A darkening mystery

We don’t know the half

Close or remote

Or too close for comfort

An uneven family

Whose seats at  the table

We argue the membership

We swarm of bouncers:

So:  mouse-lemurs, lemurs, aye-aye and Lorises

Tarsiers and marmosets. Tamarins, sakis,

Capuchins, ouakis, douroucouli, titis

Squirrel monkeys, howlers, spider monkeys, woolies,

Barbary apes and macaques, mangabeys, baboons, 

Mandrills and geladas, vervets and dianas

Red-bellies, talapoins

De brazzas, allen’s and parades,

Colobus, proboscis, langur, gibbon, hoolock

Siamang, orangutan, chimpanzee, gorilla

Bonobos, humans, no, wait, do we belong here,

Looking round the relatives,

Gods of decision, environmental rulers

Unable to distinguish, let alone control

In charge of the ticketing

Who clambers on the bus

The one-way express with people on the roof

Hanging on the windows, running by the side

Heading for metropolis, concrete canyons, cells in zoos

Labs of fancy DNA staffed by people with the blues ?

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Hawk Moth and Orange-kneed Tarantula

Sometimes the wasp wins

Sometimes the spider: balanced

Combat for ever

Sometimes the spider dies

Sometimes the wasp nurtures all

The baby spiders

And round and round They

Dance the minuet of death

As long as the cloud forest lives, and the Earth turns.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Pampas Deer

Fleet and elegant
Suffers loss of habitat
Moves into the woods

What caused the male deer
To stay with her, and help his mate  
Protect the newborn?

Sunday, July 9, 2023


Very challenging

To be a mid-stage dragon
When so strong and fierce

When justice rears up
On twin unbalanced pillars
Endangering the world

When change is rapid,
Heat rising sudden, intense

From calm birth at sea

Saturday, July 8, 2023


When I am lying sick

And my loved ones are wondering

Bring me the white bird
 And see, does it turn away?
Then all the world will turn away.
Or will it face me out
And take from me death's failing breath
And rise to cleanse it in full sun
Above the clouds of Earth, in brilliant sky?

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Nine-tailed Fox

The nine-tailed foxes

Running spirals through the night

Appear, disappear -

The collapsing mists
Sift tantalizing glimpses
Bewildering sight

Hunters and hunted
Multiplying images
Mirroring lost paths

Weave ancient patterns
From the wisps of landscape
Foreshadowing worlds
Where time is held suspended 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Typhon, her lover

Enters the cave of darkness

Ruptures the silence

In her raage of birth

She will utter forth monsters

A chain forever

In the throes of life

You'll never encounter her:

In death you'll join her.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Fire Dragons

The fire dragons' wings
Glow with pure iridescence
Need no photonic light.

In the deepest caves
Down in the profoundest seas
The chemistry burns

The millions set to rise
Their shadows plunging upwards
From anaerobic bliss

Monday, July 3, 2023


A French dragon came

In the dark age of nightmares'
Death and destruction.

It took the green sword
Of Saint Romain to kill it
Banish its poisons.

Where it fell a spring
Of clear angels' tears gushed forth -
One sip can cleanse the soul.

Now sculpted heads of stone 
Gush rains of heav'n from the roofs
Of sacred places

Wind up the charms within,
Guard against the looming clouds
Of dragons settling from