Friday, January 26, 2024

Rats Transfiguring

Oh, that sinking ship!
Surviving cold and stormy seas
Flotsam, clinging on

And one day will hitch
An amazing ride through space
To brave new, desperate worlds 

Just like our forebears
Scrabbling round the feet of giants
Took the human path

So they already
Skipping past the prototype 
Tenaciously begin

The night climb up the ropes
Onto the welcoming ship,
The plenteous hold

Thursday, January 25, 2024



A salamander

That never grows up and stays

An aqueous creature 

Lives in deepest caves

Fades to pale transparency

Too perfect to live?


Snow 44.


Antifreeze, spring-tails!
Life writ on winter paper
Peppering blind faith

Hopping meteorites
Landed on the pristine snows
Messages from space

Who could imagine
Such harmless innocence
Pure optimism!

Jumping spider - Maevia Inclemens

Tiny predator's
Complex behaviour reveals
Worlds in grains of sand

Thousands of species
Perfecting micro kingdoms
Jostled territories


Up in the high cold
The winds demand perfection
For bare survival

The thinnest of hair
On the delicate body
Traps the frigid air

Smells disappear
On the swept altiplano
Hearing dulls, founders -

Sight remains vital
Sharp, cutting, clears the miles
For camelid speed

Effortless grace
Defies the deadly harshness,
Beauty triumphant
Bee Hummingbird (For Esther)

In a minute nest
On a branch of a tall tree
On the Isle of Pines

Lie two tiny eggs:
Inside them babies smaller
Than your fingernails.

They will crack open
Their world, cared for by mother
As superpowers grow:

Magnificent wings
Driven by musculature
That blurs their movement

And can fly backwards,
Hover, thrust their beaks deep, deep
In a thousand flowers,

Drinking the nectar
Through custom hollow tongues  -
Life in the afat lane -

Leopard Seal

Long, thin, fast, lethal
Less blubber, honed for speed
Tearing, rending mouth -

Perfect predator!
Patrols the southern seas
Fate-wielding beauty

Screech Owls

Screech owls rarely screech
Even voicing Halloween 
They live shy, ferocious

Huge eyes drink darkness
Their razor gripping talons  
Slice the lives of prey

A terrible beauty
Their plumage subtly mimics
The woods around them

Quietly disappears
This coat of many colours
Perfect incognito

Fingering the night
Coasting through silence
Harbingers of death

Golden Eagles, Isle of Mull, Scotland

Rising, spiralling
From a tall, untidy nest
Into realms of air

Is there joy there,
The soaring exultation
Beyond necessity?

The flight's a meeting
Of four eyes locked, ferocious
Scanning the state of the world


The White Bulls of Rome
(Roman cattle were mostly red/brown, but a strain of huge white cattle was reserved for important sacrifice)

The haunting white bulls
Thousands of sacrifices
A river of blood

Their mournful lowing
Echoes down the corridors
Of stubborn meaning

Down through the centuries
Stolen from generations
They migrate the sky

Dung Beetles

Strongest of insects!
If we could roll Jupiter
Along dusty paths

We might find the pride
To rival this Sisyphus
Whose endless labours

Recycle the shit
Dropped by us other creatures,
Humbly clean up 

Take thoughtless leavings
Transform them into caches, 
Survival palaces

Bactrian Camel

Great ship of the  steppes!
Whose gait oscillates the sea
Links worlds, continents.

Patient in extremes!
Your slow conquest of distance
Masters time itself

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Ruby-throated hummingbird

A challenging epic -

Feeding the high metabolism

The struggles, the fights for turf -
Life in the fast lane
The costs of panache,
The brilliant precision,
Stunning survival -