Saturday, March 6, 2021

Poetry: Tangles with God - the final installment ? Is there ever ?


Of Three-in-one and One-in-three

The Holy Ghost's the one for me.

The Perfect Man and His Old Dad

Are just too daunting and too sad

And why does One require the Other

And is the Devil the delinquent Brother?

I'm so confused; it's a crying shame

To make my heresy to blame

For all my crippling weight of Sin

That lets the ghouls and monsters in.

The HG sits outside the fight

And basks in peace and Holy Light.

Where did it come from? Nobody knows

But its attraction grows and grows

It doesn't carry the reputation

To lose or suffer refutation

It doesn't have a fancy shrine

In need of polish, rain or shine

It doesn't carry a million names

To fumble with in verbal games

Its ghostly print is like dark matter

Everywhere a spitter-spatter

Now you see It now you don't

Will you want to? No, you won't -

We desire our gods mysterious

Whether or not they see or hear us

Across this endless universe

The obvious truth gets worse and worse

There are no answers, clear or not

We keep on searching each ink blot

The HG hums above our scurrying

And stands aloof from all our hurrying

I find it good to search above

For signs of unconditional love

Acceptance of my troubled soul

Becomes my final battered goal

The Ghost survives its afterlife

It just floats out there, without strife -

It's all I'd hope to find in God

However distant, even odd.

The Father is too much to tangle

The Son puts people through the mangle

But here's a Deity to toast -

Here's to the matchless Holy Ghost !


We're done with God the Father

We're done with God the Son

And God the Holy Spirit

Is more the Holy Song

We're done with human prophets

And done with human priests

Who treat us like their cattle

And we their human feasts

We're done with meditation

And bloody sacrifice

And praying on our bloody knees

And dying at least twice

Don't dangle us with heaven

Don't lecture us on hell

We'll dream our own hereafters

Before they ring the bell

And when they ring the bell, my friends

Our struggles all will cease

We'll reconcile our godless selves

And close our eyes in peace.

We're all for eco-funerals

Our phosphorus back to Earth

So cut us up and feed us

To birds in sky rebirth


Enough of this ergo sum!

Enough of being the baffled hominid !

I've played the part the required decades

And at the gates I stand

Call upon God to finally reveal Herself.

I am tired of groping in the dark

Of being the thwarted brain -

I'm family, aren't I ? Don't I carry the divine DNA?

I'm supposed to have been created by those much-vaunted hands, aren't I?

It's time to come clean, God, no more lurking ambiguously in deserts,

Echoing nothingness as a pastime.

You're so-called God

Alias God

God alias God

God alias gods

We've played with all that for long enough.

In the miserable five minutes I'm given on Earth

Flying through the party noise and flickering lights of the mead hall

From darkness to darkness

I'm reaching my hand through the wall of eternity

Smashing through stony incomprehension like a karate pro

Knowing perfectly well that on the other side there'll be nothing to hold onto

Just a cloud of unmirrored smoke.

Damn your trillion eyes

Damn your unfathomable intentions

Damn damn damn your cool indifference

I'm out here shivering in the cold of space

And you take my breath away.

There's a second left for a sign

For You to move in a mysterious way

- no, don't do that to me -

I want a smidgen of answer

To illumine my last moments

Just a clear dawn ahead

A snatch of the chanting of things

An echo as the silence settles in the cave

An echo of the echo

A glimpse beyond

Just one moment when time stops counting my heartbeats

When I'm seeking the centre

And all is beatifically still.

Is this what I'm about

As your eyelids stay closed, God ?

"What goes ninety nine clunk?" "A centipede with a wooden leg." English children's joke, possibly nineteenth century.

What goes ninety nine quadrillion

Ninety nine trillion

Ninety nine billion

Ninety nine million

Nine hundred and ninety nine thousand

Nine hundred and ninety nine

Clunk ?

God wandering the Universe

Her progress in majestic train of Thought

The Word with

The Word was



Flowing across the scarcely imagined spaces

With a wooden leg


I am the last-minute improvisation

The wind-torn branch lying by the trail

A function at last




They also serve who only stand and clunk.

Wait your turn you dumbass, wait and clunk.

How typical of God to break a leg

And stick me conscious in the rhythms of creation

Sentient enough to suffer,

With brain enough to wonder,

Contemplate his fate as wooden leg !

Shedding a mote of dust a century

Barely noticing the loss

Rejoining the chaos

Tick by tock

God pulled into the station

Across the Bridge to Nowhere

Verbing Herself to a stop.

The ride had been endless

The ghost train crossing the desert

Its mournful whistle

Echoed and echoed

Wheels spinning a slippery tale

Squealing to set your soul on edge.

We spilled out onto the platform

Wild-eyed and hungry

Haunted by the memories

Dissolving in the smoke.

People were waiting

Sitting with shapeless bundles

Barely stirring.

This was not their train

It never would be

Theirs the stopping train

Somewhere out there

Rusting in a siding

Waiting for the God Express to sweep by

Majestic, unattainable.

They did not look at us

We were not their business

We did not know how to look at them

We were the passengers of God.

We climbed back aboard

Weary to the bone

Stared through the dirty windows

At the featureless expanses

Night was falling

The whistle called upon its vast experience

And slowly slowly

The Bridge to Nowhere

Pulled away to find its track.


Humanity stood at the crossroads

A place of decision, suicide and question.

"Tell us why," they said.

Their voices were hoarse from chanting.

"Tell us why. Don't stay ever silent" they cried

"Not for ever."

"Glory" said God,


Glory shone around.

"Which way we go is Hell

Ourselves are Hell."

It came as a question.

"Glory" said God,

"Glory. I AM the way."

They sought to ask the question

In a code that leaped the chasm.

They were lonely, and faced death.

"Glory" said God.
