Thursday, April 22, 2021

Poetry: Las Medulas

There is no wealth but life." John Ruskin

Las Medulas - Leon, Spain

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Commentary - the speed of time

I talked today with a Tamworth neighbour about medical advances over the past 100 years. How wonderful they have been! An injury he is expecting to recover from in a few months would have brought on a permanent disability a century ago. The pandemic? 1919 was so much more virulent and destructive than Covid. Millions dead, just after WW!, and the young more badly affected than the old. Almost inconceivable.No heady Spring Breaks in Florida. The world trudged on.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Commentary: Michael Longley

Just happened to listen to "On Being" on NHPR this morning - and heard Michael Longley speaking about poetry. Since I admire and agree with 95% of what he said, I hope that you'll listen to him. And such powerful poems of his. Lovely humour too !