Meanwhile in another part of the forest
The themes are major, nothing less than
Life and death are featured on the programme
Nature red in tooth and claw.
Meanwhile elsewhere
The dance continues as the light fades
The partners have evolved together step by step
As humans mass for battle on the margin
We are the extras crowding out the stars.
So where is the centre of attention
The other meanwhile
Somewhere in the forest
Where the major themes enact?
Here in the crowd we stand shoulder to shoulder
Only our outliers see beyond us
Here in the mass we rely on rumors
Secondhand evidence that filters through the thickets
Stories polished for the screens in the cities.
Take my hand,walk deeper in,into the meanwhile
Where nothing is left that doesn't matter
And nothing matters but what is left.
Close your eyes, and listen:
The meanwhile sounds are soft
Wrapped in darkness -
We are the dreams of the beings within.
Meanwhere in another time in the forest
The darkness stirs
Shadows track across the canopy
We Are marching through the night
The seconds flicker with glimpses of the stars
The path is beaten deep
A hollow way through the empty hours
The times, the time of passing holds us in this trance
Meanwhere we are crossing zone after zone
Through places haunted by the present steps
The echoes of the past
Steady quiet breaths from the future.
Hold my hand and walk with me
Lest I stumble on the stones