Monday, May 17, 2021


I am the monkey

The big-brained monkey

But I cannot monkey with time.

I cannot wait to see Africa's great arms open to let in a new ocean

I shall not witness the Himalayas peak

Before they sink and wear to pebbles in the stream

I shall not see Antarctica emerge, its forests rise again.

I am the monkey

The big-brained monkey

But I cannot monkey with time.


But I can see the snows of yesteryear

Mingling with spring rain

And I can see the blush of dawn

Arising from her bed in the halls of night

And I can see the dazzling silhouettes

Of parrots without number etching the sky

And I can feel the breath of Earth

As the moose lifts its head by a misty pond

And I can touch the roundness of the world

Reflected in a brook trout's eye

And I can follow the way of light

Where the old bear grumbles along ancestral paths

Where the rocks tumble at the base of the cliff

And shelter the next generation of coyotes -

I can hear them yipping, deep into the night


For I am the monkey,

The bad, dangerous monkey

I can monkey with the world

With clever hands to do the business

But I cannot monkey with Time.