Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A Poem for October and the long nights ahead

The Wild Hunt of the Skies

In the woods the quiet day settles

Dry leaves restless

Wind-whispered twigs and branches

Twilight creatures watching, waiting.

Over the mountains the storm threatens

Each layer a rise of elemental being

Till high, high in the darkening sky

In the clear cold thinning air

The faintest sound of trumpets

Shrill, shrill, a galloping of sound

Begins to finger-circle the porcelain dome

To raise the note that carries the tune.

The far-off beating of the drums

Begins, a giant heart's quickening pulse

But drums or hooves? You cannot tell -

A tempest of shadows gathering

A lance of darkness over the forest

Drawing a curtain over the canopy

Shuttering the brightening moon.

And then we see them,

The horsemen howling and shouting to the night

Their mounts wild-eyed, foaming

The hounds baying

The trumpets, the drums,

The beating of paws and hooves on empty air,

The ecstasy, the dark purpose

The speed reckless, the abandon, the savagery -

It is the wild hunt of the skies

The ancient ride of feral souls

It batters the horizon, and is gone.

And the silence of catharsis fills the woods.
