Saturday, February 18, 2023

Tarantulas and Elf Owls

Orange-kneed Tarantula

For him, adventure

Quests across the forest floor

A male stereotype

For her a cavern

Filled by her startling beauty:

She sits, guards, waits

The species evolved

Over untold millennia -

Hail, Costa Rica!

Glory of the clouds!

The deep time of the forest

Stirred by coming change

Elf Owl

Parliaments of elfs

Would be Ruritanian -

Almost unnoticed

But the meek inherit

Playing dead is survival

And if they look back

Blood pools in the brain:

They have such small bird tricks

To keep them going


"Dignity" might be

A better noun - a "Dignity"

Of tiny, perfect  owls

(The Triple Bestiary - Posner