Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May 1st.! Restarting the Bestiary.

Back from my travels to a rainy spring in Tamworth, the peepers pretty much insisted on kicking off the next hundred! Happy May Day!

The Triple Bestiary :  https://thebestiary.carrd.co/--


There's risk in this bravado

You are after all just a snack

A titchy Hell's Angel riding your decibels

By the swamp the wrong side of the tracks

Why sing in trios,

The aim to turn up the volume

And solo become top frog?

If you make it, the biggest and brassiest

Impressing that She-All-That-Counts

If it's your eggs get laid in the water

Ultimate excitement mounts!

The moment to regain your poise

No more strutting your noise

A generation lies there waiting to be born -

And you, you little piece  of neat machismo

You can lay down  your horn.