Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tree Frog - Costa Rica

Its ocean swaying
High in  the misty forest
The world in a leaf

Toads are poisonous
Warty, squat, prone to orgies
Dry-skinned secretive

Insectivorous frogs
With a little less elegance -
Don't become princes. 

Tsetse Fly

This most mighty fly
Drew a line across Africa
Beyond which no Whites

Pushing  wagons North
With their exotic cattle
Could conquer, survive

Each  baby bloodsucker
Born live, a single darling
Deadly pride and joy

Emperor Scorpion

In its world a predator 
To be reckoned with

It protects live young
Ancient, glows blue in UV light
Dances the night away

Luna Moth

By the time she's born
Much of life's fuss is over:
A paramount job 

Remains. Glorious
She rises, settles to lay her eggs,
Fasts for ten days, dies.  

Stag Beetles

Stag beetles jousting:
Enlarged to the human scale
Arthurian phantasms

Evolved for battle:
The romance of derring-do
Evolved, incarnate


Oh! the amazing
Impossibly long fuselages
Powering wings so delicafe, so perfected!
The profligate diversity, the careless rapture!

Can we still find across the world
The common blue, the narrow-winged,
And yes, the "Beautiful Demoiselle",
The Banded, the Broadwinged, the Spreadwinged
The Siberian Winter (Yes! again)
The Pond, the White-legged,
Hundreds more, finely distinguished
And into the thickets of Latin and Greek,
The Lestordeidae, the Pseudostigmata
The Deradatta the Diphlebia
The Epallage, the Jumix
The :Palademnerna Chriquita?
The grudging counters, overachieving  taxonomists
Pronounce the verdict:  2942 species
And I assert the freedom to quibble
To fervently believe that out there in the swamps
All the outlands, wetlandish realms of Gaia
The 2943rd and all its cousins
Are fluttering and settling
In the fair country beyond death 
And all the dwindling,
The diminishment of all our lives.

Barred Owls Calling

Now, young raised and flown  
Neighbours tell faithful spouses
True states of affairs