Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Two thousand species
Of the great beetle family
A life of  two months

The stars of  the Earth
Their  bioluminescence
Signatures of love

I  have  seen  a host
Reply in sync to lightning
Riding  waves of  storm

In total silence
Brilliant in the darkness
Mirroring the  sky

Monday, March 25, 2024

House Mouse
These modest  rodents
Descendants  of  survivors
Burrowed, starved, scrabbled

Millions of hard years,
Ramified adaptations
Dark-cornered genius

Surrender their young
To multiple predators
Yet  overtake death

Thrive on scraps, the drops
And leavings  of  the  careless
Even  venturing into light

Friday, March 22, 2024

Argentine Ants

Each worker  plods up
Bearing earth into  the light
Lives the  labyrinth

Pour tons of  concrete
Into the hidden city:
When set, reveal

The network divides
Ramifies  from nest  to  nest
Borders  bedrock,  seas

Limited  by  food
Precious juggernauts of queens
Realms of genes

Thousands  of, billions
Of, innumerable armies:
Only  Armageddon

True apocalypse
Halts  the  silent progress
Massing conquests below

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sleeping Gorilla

He sprawls, abandoned

By the glass that borders

Keeps him in the land of apes

Tented high against the winter cold.

Under him he's sprinkled grass 

A token nest he does not need

Except from deep instinctive drive

His day nest and his night all adult life.

He has his family - not for him the stark magnificence

The awful loneliness of past encaged gorillas

Who stared for all eternity 

Into the shifting crowds of people sauntering by.

So he is lost in sleep

And dreams impenetrably

Of sun and rain and sudden storms

And long alerts for neighbouring clans

But most of family moving slowly through the forest

The strong black arms

That bind the mothers, children, siblings

And of the silverbacks whose eyes patrol the band

And hold their strength potential, just in case.

Yet being a gorilla is unimaginable -

Beyond their pillars lies another planet

An alien world of smells an d sounds and small tricks of forest light -

We cannot gauge the balance, intricacy, the tapestry, the mossy depths

Nor recreate this world for  them

The poor ones born in hospital, in prison -

The living treasure house of  genes

The thousand species seen

The millions unseen

That underpin all of us - 


The mystery of the links
'Twixt lizards, snakes and skinks
Reveals that over time
Diversity sublime
Began with hard decisions
That led to clear divisions -
The lifetime spoils were rich
Decisions on each niche
The question was of legs -
But here the question begs
Advantages both ways
The argument's a maze-
Most skinks grew legs and feet
For some that spelled defeat
Survival seemed profound
They burrowed underground
Some with legs vestigial
Some with bare residuals
So skinks can thrive 'most anywhere
Where life is plentiful or rare
In heat or even chillier
In places snakes find sillier
And lizards look for warming sun
To strut their stuff and have their fun.
So homage to the humble skinks
That bridge the gaps and span the links..


On his haunches 
Deft hands sorting seeds
So easily anthropomorphized
A little bearded man absorbed
Patient in the workaday

Two modest species, not closely related to each other -
Okapi and Pygmy Hippopotamus

Leading quiet, shy lives
Smaller forest relatives,
Diverse, on the brink

Their major cousins,
The dangerous 'potamis
The glamorous giraffe
Evolved in culs de sac
Would stand alone without them
Giant outliers, islands of destiny
Maladapted to lives elsewhere--

While the Okapi, disappearing in the dappled light
The 'Potamus walking the river bed
Are both perfected in their niche.

Bird of questing look!
Unwavering guardianship,
Equal height to mine

Protector of young -
A savannah world of giants
Of savage dangers

Massive legs for speed
A kick to fell a zebra, 
Banish hence a lion

Persistence to stay,
To outface every ambush,
Outstare the hunters

The evolving trade
Of heft for flight
Like ours, of mind for soul.

In the Franklin Zoo, Boston, where one old lion, Dinari, survives his brother, and is not judged fit
in his last days to receive another companion -

People made his kopje
A place of sweeping command
A rock of  loneliness

With Kamaia gone
Swept away by the stiff broom 
Dinari, solitary lord
Drinks his long draught of perfect grief

Too old, too life-set
To receive a fresh another
He lies, turns, settles

And sniffs the air so pregnant
With the beings and doings
Of caring apes he cannot hunt,
Who gaze in baffled awe.