Sunday, May 9, 2021

Poetry : Circling the Past

Commentary - Nations have had their day

A nation is defined as  "a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory."  "Culture" here can include religion, myth or ideology which can trump all the other features. There are times, centuries, areas of the world, where the definition  and reality of Nations still makes or has made sense in the very recent past. For me to suggest that the whole concept is obsolete seems ridiculous on the face of it.  We may have world agencies and currency, we may try to coordinate a climate agreement worldwide or have a set of rules for world trade, but when it comes to serious matters such as national wealth,  a pandemic or a war, we fall back on sovereign states and national interests. Try telling the Chinese or the French or the Thais or the Brazilians or the Egyptians or a hundred more distinct groups of millions that nations belong to the past, and such a suggestion will be brushed aside. For that matter, try telling that to most Americans.