Thursday, July 15, 2021

Poetry: Monkey (3)


Monkey (3)

The night before the end

I Monkey, son of Monkey

Stand above the fog on the barren mountain

My last two tanks of oxygen on my back;

It's warm, even here,

A place famous for savage winters.

The way I look is up and out

The way I've always looked on clear nights

When the wind was sharpened by crystal skies.

I am the comprehending brain

I know the story of creation

The chemistry deep in Titan

The food chains in the oceans

The mutterings of trees and fungi under the earth

The calls of a thousand bird species

The first million prime numbers

The nature of every cell in the body

The pigments used by Leonardo, Michelangelo and Picasso

The soundprint of every note of Bach's Chaconne in D

The concordance of every word and phrase in every book ever published

The genetic and geographical origins of every ancestor of the entire world's population

Every atom of the smoke

And made and wielded huge machines

Built ships the size of pyramids

Drawn up the waters of the aquifers

And sent them down polluted to the sea

I have the power to destroy every living thing 

That crawls and swims and flies from pole to pole -


I see, embrace, I comprehend 

I am the monkey the damp little monkey

I have danced I have danced with fire in my brain -

But I  cannot tell why we have let the glory of this world slip through our fingers

Cannot fathom this my clever mind 

My haunting self my doppelganger

Standing silent in swirling shadows beside me

As the data scrolls across the whiteness of the clouds

That mass before the night falls.

Turning up the Heat


Here I am, a charred body lying in a chaos of fallen trees

That candled their brief glory 

While the land caught its last breath.

How could I not have noticed?

The heat came first as a warm wind,

Faint traces of perfume, a southern caress

Strengthened as thresholds were crossed out at sea.

The rise engendered the vicious cycles

Tightening spirals of chaos

Scouring the ravaged land.

The wind danced with fire, 

Wind and fire, the final reckoning.


Now in the night the spirits gather

Time stalls in the cold, the sky glitters

The world calms 

Unperturbed by me, a charred body,

A piece of incidental damage,

An empty husk by the wayside.

Meanwhile, ah meanwhile, the universe hums on..
